WishList since last year..
Thursday, January 21, 2010After work, I usually wander off to malls hoping to spot something nice, but everytime I see something nice, I had this urge to buy it but then I am not financially stable to avail those items I want. What I do, I place them on my wishlist and hopefully, I could tick some of it (meaning I finally have it). Here are the list I have been wanting since last year:
- Braces (worth Php35,000)
- Lasik Treatment (worth Php100,000)
- Mac Laptop (Macbook or Macbook Pro)
- Ipod Touch (worth Php15,000+)
- Iphone or a cellphone with WiFi (Iphone-Php30,000+, WiFi Phone-Php7,000-15,000)
- Hair Rebonding (worth Php2,000++)
- What is this worth after six months? Is the price proportional to the number of months I'll be using it?
- What else can I do with this (besides the usual)? How can I maximize it's capabilities to fully make use of it?
- Do fancy-ing this still makes me happy after a few months after buying it? or do it leaves me regretting after a few days or months of using it?
- Do I really need to buy this NOW? or I will just return a few days to see if I really like it the way I liked it the first time I saw it?